This is a critical moment in helping manufacturers take back ground that has been lost to monopolies and mergers. Mergers and monopolies have enabled the retail industry to flex its muscles with suppliers and force many manufacturers right out of business. By using new innovations and concepts, manufacturers can resist the unrealistic demands of conglomerates and monopolies and reassert their own power in the marketplace.
These innovations will give manufacturers new pathways to consumers’ homes at a reduced cost and with quality service unmatched by the established retail industry. Never again will manufacturers face the threat of having their products de-listed from the consumer’s reach. In the past decade, the market has changed at unprecedented speed, and the desperate situation of many manufacturers calls for new approaches. Innovation is the only choice.
Let us form a partnership for a sustainable future with the removal of barriers to entry for manufacturers. By working together to implement innovative solutions, we can promise investors higher profits while also offering consumers more choice and better value for their spending dollars.