11: Main Street

Main Street
- The once happy Main Street is shrinking quickly around the world, hunkering down in survival mode.
- Shops are collapsing on every Main Street this is causing great worry and uncertainty.
- We will be honest with customers, the seriousness of losing Main Street to an outsider like Amazon.
- Local shops are needed. Main Street shops were once engines of growth and opportunity – with Amazon how can we save them?
- As shop sales fall sharply, shops are cutting jobs, shops are closing, Main Street becomes deserted, this forces the local government to trim costs and reduce services to locals.
- How we can give Amazon legitimate competition and offer consumers an alternative to an outside retailer that is decimating local Main Street.
- Eliminate the existential threat to Main Street by Amazon’s coolness.
- This is the chance to bring back Main Street shops and digital shopping to locals.
- Many locals will leap at the chance to get free help from a concierge – no opposition – a gradual shift back to Main Street.
- Facing the exponentially higher risk of Main Street destruction, serious loss of taxes and long-term unemployment.
- Campaigned local effort to revive Main Street shopping and prove that prices are equal to Amazon and Walmart.
- It is a new mode of thinking to reverse the steep decline in sales on Main Street – it is an industry-wide problem.
- Amazon inflicts serious and long-lasting damage to real Main Street.
- Being local will gain traction, our confidence to remove the cool factor associated with Amazon will come with local personal involvement and radical transformation of Main Street in a partnership of equality.
- Have a sense of humour – aim to uplift locals: think big but very small, go and engage the young, not afraid to do something different, push the local feature of feel good-do good, locals have a lot on the line (Main Street job losses and lost profit).
- Aim to uplift and encourage people to shop locally, equal pricing, superior personal service, happy message – giving to a local cause. All of this will encourage consumers to stick with us longer.
- The mood in the shops is one of gloom as an unprecedented sales slump grips Main Street.
- The damage from losing local retail is so vast but Main Street may never again be what it once was. You lose your shop and your tax base, and you lose your local economics. Very rarely can Main Street come back from losing so many shops, what we propose is the only way to renew Main Street.
- Losing Main Street shops, you lose the memories when you lose a shop – everybody locally takes a hit. This impact intensifies across town, losing local services and job providers.
- Wealth creation for the individual concierge.
- Show that these new innovations are intended to help communities revive Main Street – enticing more locals to purchase locally and leave more income locally. Demonstrate crucial innovation that could help reduce inequality plus address climate change.
- Promoting change in digital shopping – large stores giving these shops back to Main Street in order to save themselves.
- Innovation and partnership with locals – focused with concept category-creating breakthrough with forward-looking Main Street revived (local partners).
- Digital Small Shops need to take on new importance in local Main Street.
- We need to pioneer a form of grand-digital-small-shop that allows retail to come back to the local Main Street.
- I need to get locals to see shops on Main Street in their humanity – the human behind the sale.
- It is up to them to decide how they are going to compete with the biggest Amazon or the smallest on local Main Street. Equal cost option packaging – team up or consolidate.
- Go back to the future and open the Small Shop all over Main Street.
- These shops are the backbone of Main Street across the world.
- Many experts have been predicting that, over the long-term, Main Street will be lost from most communities. Can anything be done? In today’s situation probably not. We are probably stuck as bystanders just watching it happen.
- We will make a local profound impact on Main Street – feel personal, welcoming and I can get anything under the sun from this shop.
- A conference on the future of retail according to Conrad: we aim to show how to bring retail back to Main Street.
- How to make digital shopping more local and flexible instead of watching it collapse further. Why such radicalism? Because Amazon is succeeding, what are the advantages of innovation and partnership?
- Lots of local shops are being lost because of the speed of Amazon delivery. Amazon has cast a lasting doubt over local brick and mortar shops. Surveys show that more and more people want local retail to be in the best interest of the local economy.
- We need flexible shopping; many large shops have to give their shops back to Main Street in order to survive.
- Amazon represents a threat of instability on Main Street, it shows no sign of reducing its push on Main Street. Operating with no local fixed costs.
- Amazon is beating up on Mom and Pop shops, they want to put them out of Main Street shops.
- The deterioration of Main Street due to the economic impact from Amazon is being accelerated.
- With our concept, you will be able to shop digitally, shop Main Street and get large shop pricing and the selection and local characters.
- Good old-fashioned Main Street shops with good pricing.
- We can use the innovation to reduce inequality, strengthen the middle class and restore faith to local Main Street shopping.
- Local shops need an upgrade. With Amazon moving in and trouble for Main Street retailers, we need to promote local, price matching, large selections and personal service.
- Introduce it to the locals in order to trigger a faster deployment of innovative solutions to the uncertain future of retail on Main Street.
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