3: Concierge



  • Prosperity for women could be accelerated by being a concierge entrepreneur.
  • As concierges, we will want to have the deepest and most meaningful connection possible with our customers.
  • The concierge will offer companies a new path to consumers’ hearts and wallets.
  • Concierge-at-your-door.
  • Concierge-friendly-shopping.
  • Direct-to-consumer-concierge-selling.
  • Time is right for shopper-friendly concierges to advance and help locals to save time and money.
  • The concierge will be seen as a natural companion to the daily responsibilities a consumer has.  Consumers will have, in their hands, access to their own personal concierge.  
  • It will introduce new perks for the busy worker, helping to de-stress their day with extra help.
  • The package just left on the porch – customers say it kind of takes the value away from my purchases. 
  • Small Shop will evoke memories of a simpler age – an intimate service.
  • A service that will make you feel special – it will seem to take you back to. childhood. 
  • Getting served by a concierge will give us a peaceful look on our face and a feeling like we are someplace else –feel as though you have been given a treat – it will make you feel special. 
  • We will create a culture where we are connected to digital by personal contact.
  • We will create a new sense of community that keeps everyone coming back.
  • Richly valued digital shopping – appreciated the concierge service.
  • A superior bet with digital sales, with richly valued concierge assistance.
  • The number of the concierge – and dependency on them – will only increase because of the saving of time and saving to the individual and society on reducing packaging and climate change costs.
  • Concierges and Small Shops are the future of retailers in a transformative action going forward.
  • The concierge will give you enough information to make an informed buying decision.
  • The concierges will limit the power of Amazon.
  • Creating efficiencies and cost savings that the company will pass along to its Concierge and customers.
  • Time is right for our shopper-friendly concierge to advance and help locals to save time and money.
  • The concierge will provide shoppers with an enormous advantage by creating a significant shift to local online shopping.
  • Concierge is drawn in by margin sharing.
  • Many ways to get involved – concierge, food party host, flyer delivery, big product partner delivery, sampling, kiosk.
  • Our concierge at all times will be a person of goodwill and their service will be deployed to benefit the consumers and enterprise.
  • The concierge with new technology should make the experience of shopping better for the family – the interaction offered is an advantage over Amazon.
  • Locals will have an appreciation for quality concierge service.
  • Our concept will be designed to be able to generate money all day for the concierge.
  • What differentiates the concierge from Amazon is the service.
  • The concierge will give shopping a sense of receiving more than a product or service – we know what we are doing.
  • Consumers will say – I will use a concierge, they will know they can get consistently excellent service with every purchase.
  • Always welcoming and helpful, that is the local Small Shop way.  Being a local concierge or a local Small Shop allows you to develop some really close relationships with a lot of people.
  • Use the concierge for our own welfare, convenience and comfort.
  • We safeguard locals from scammers. 
  • The concierge is personalized to the customer’s individual needs.
  • Concierges are better prepared to serve the communities and the world.
  • The concierge gives us an opportunity to boost performance.
  • Concierge is a direct seller – self-employed with merchandise supplied from a warehouse on a 50/50 margin.
  • The consumer derives so much value from a personal concierge, they will go to great extent to let their friends know.
  • A shop and concierge committed to providing reliable, trusted and diverse sources of goods and services.
  • Trying to respond to climate change by lowering packaging and deliveries, bundling the concierge deliveries.
  • Create a relaxed environment for shopping and internet interaction with concierge engaging, deeply personal for some customers.
  • We will be an essential partner with manufacturers in building and promoting their products – we will be a real team effort.
  • Manufacturers and Small Shops and the concierge, this will be a benefit to all.
  • Something magical in the delivery transforms strangers into families, this lies at the core of our concept, of the concierge’s duty.
  • The concierge can do more – no stock, no shop, larger selection, price matching, personal deliveries and a direct impact with every sale.
  • More shoppers adopt a digital concierge service.
  • The everything concierge.
  • Our concierge will deliver significantly more value for all digital retail.
  • Everything concierge delivers exactly what it promises.
  • The concierge will become like a neighbourhood institution gift.
  • Acquiring the concierge skill is an activity you can learn to do and find enjoyable, help physically, emotionally and financially and deeply gratifying.
  • It will all come down to reducing risk and becoming more efficient for the shops and concierge by controlling cost.
  • Help from your personal concierge and delivery becomes eye candy to the busy consumer.
  • You will be more comfortable trusting a product or a service because your concierge has confirmed it.
  • As a society we are more isolated than we have ever been – the concierge will have heightened importance and meaning.  People want to make contact and we can build our sales on it.
  • A service that will change what it means to buy digital with a human, fundamentally alter the way we buy things and services.  Our relationship with the concierge will repeat itself day after day, so much so that it will be taken for granted.
  • What to do when you want to digital shop but are afraid of fake – call your concierge.
  • Introducing a concierge to digital sales, it speaks to something that is extremely remarkably meaningful to possibly everyone.
  • The concierge will enhance the digital transaction experience.
  • We are the concierge and the community, and we will have a consistent market knowledge strategy, being able to act before Amazon even knows about it.
  • Being connected to your concierge digitally or personally lets you communicate information about your needs, time available to receive deliveries, arrange returns, demand certified information on service providers and offer the option of arranging a loan or addressing your insurance needs.
  • The concierge will take on a new role in the consumer’s routine by offering large selection, personal deliveries, competitive pricing, all local offerings and no more outsider to take all in digital.
  • Wow shoppers to personal-digital-sales with the personality of the concierge.
  • Locals will use the concierge to enter the internet economy confidently for the first time.
  • The local concierge is a 50/50 partner in the margin and will give us a powerful springboard into local consumer homes.
  • Concierge’s enthusiasm rubs off on the customers.
  • Locals will benefit from seeing their concierge involved – a sense of community that ultimately benefits all.
  • Locals will learn to appreciate the concierge’s honesty, seek out feedback on selected local and personal issues. 
  • More focus on the local market – super, serious concierge.
  • Some customers will be caught off guard by the concierge’s personality and dedication. 
  • The concierge helps with the chaos and confusion we’re constantly living through. 
  • The concierge service is a meaningful connection, and it’s what we all need going forward. 
  • Local concierge support for public benefits through people’s power- shopping power.
  • The concierge only earns if they render a service.
  • The concierge will play a vital role in the life of the digital consumer.
  • Using a concierge will make it easier to serve customers.  Being local will put more responsibility on us to make sure that every day and every minute we’re making the effort we can to serve you better.  
  • We have a so-called built-in advantage, local concierge and local shops.
  • It’s such a shopping pleasure that the concierge can offer.
  • The most effective way to bring retail back is to have many shops, lots of concierges and a community benefit for shopping locally.
  • We are going to give locals so many options, so consumers never leave their concierge – enjoy having access to greater choice and great user experience – own consumer relationship.
  • The concierge makes themselves available to help with shopping and service – even certify what is real on the internet.
  • Many of the features of the concierge services are all local and difficult to duplicate.
  • The obvious desire for locals to substitute concierge for in-person digital shopping.
  • Shopping friendly features by using the concierge.
  • The ability to have all deliveries done by your personal concierge.
  • To sustain growth there is only concierge engagement and motivation fuelled by new customers.
  • We need an angle, but we have 3: locals, the concierge and less packaging.
  • How best to do one’s shopping – use a concierge for free.
  • Concierge is closer to the consumer (Walmart has 4,700 stores).
  • Connectivity with the concierge.
  • These concierges will be critical to local future growth.
  • What makes us different is the concierge is a partner.
  • Signing bonus and getting orders to local concierge is paramount because of digital demand maximizing potential as early as possible. 
  • We need to send a strong signal that we want to deal with locals, we need to leave retail benefits to locals – local values – position of concierge strength.
  • We are going to win the game because “They Do Less – We Do More for your shopping dollars.”
  • The help from our Concierge can create significant value for the customers. 
  • The concierge that can deliver millions of product possibilities from the convenience of a local locker.  This will make it hard for someone in a Brick & Mortar Shop to compete.
  • We build the concept from ground zero and are not stuck with high debts, pension obligations, high rent commitment or too much inventory in a multitude of stores.  This concept can be started on a shoestring budget and our partnership gives us an opportunity to succeed locally and globally.
  • We offer human contact so you can have the convenience of a shop without the need for a physical shop.
  • Our aim is to make every concierge strong and independent.  For them to be able to serve their clients in a way that renders value – to be the best-of-the-best advisers. 
  • The local concierge will perform like a person hungry for success – the future shop is changing.
  • Flexible enough to deliver only when you are home.  
  • The game for the consumer’s dollar will change for the better if it’s a local concierge platform. 
  • The concierge will be fully engaged with every sale to improve services and profit. 
  • To allow concierge to engage without restriction on social media and use their name, image and likeness to promote their own entrepreneurial activities.
  • Direct-to-consumer concierge service.  Direct-to-consumer – feel best to take advantage of a free service.
  • Replicate shopping of yesterday with a touch of digital – and the concierge’s help.
  • Concierges can help free individuals from shopping chores and change the carbon footprint burden that comes from packaging, giving families more time to stay active and engage with family members.
  • I feel the concierge’s attention to my shopping needs have actually enhanced my satisfaction – pay attention to shoppers.
  • A local concierge is a more active responder, bringing ideas together and better pricing – resulting in the ‘ah-ha’ moment of satisfaction.
  • The concierge’s relationship with clients is more valuable today than ever as they help with buying and delivery management. 
  • We need to make locals enthusiastic about the concierge’s help for digital shopping.
  • Trusted and established local concierge – locals reflect significant uncertainty towards outsiders.
  • Now that an increasing number of people have opted to skip the shop altogether in recent years, choosing to shop from the comfort of their own home.  Now we can add the personal concierge to the new digital shop.
  • Be practical shop local – shop by the concierge.
  • We are going to give individual concierges a shot at getting their shop off the ground and then helping them to stay afloat along the way in our partnership.  
  • The concierges have their purpose which is to evoke satisfaction.
  • You are going to be able to do your shopping faster and in a more efficient way.  This is the magic of what is coming from the concierge.
  • Our concierge will provide an infusion of new services and fresh shops.
  • Local concierges will have an enormous amount of influence.
  • Partnership solutions – I think this will only strengthen the need for concierges to connect directly with their customers.
  • The concierge will have a speed advantage and be able to give outstanding service.
  • The consumer will have a direct connection to the concierge.
  • The personal experience is very good at communicating hard information.
  • Embrace a business model that hinges on a 50/50 profit margin sharing.
  • We need to find ways to partner and win together.
  • We deliver only when you are home – no comeback.
  • Fulfils its intended purpose as personal service.
  • The service will be casual, wonderfully inserted into people’s lives – the pedigree took for granted.
  • Concierge-wise shopping has inherent advantages over Amazon.
  • By word of mouth, the concierge will build the shop back and save the community and bring millions of item choices to the table daily.
  • Customers will find it a joy being served, receiving service for their money and the concierge being very serious about it.
  • The individual concierge with their personal service will say “this is my history – this is who I am”.  Ready to serve you.
  • You are talking Small Shop – one-on-one that still matters, upfront and personal experience with the customer.  Communicated far and away better by concierge than anywhere else.
  • I want the concierge and the Small Shop to be a fixture of daily life.
  • We can offer all of your shopping and service needs with one click – click -click-concierge (concierge click).
  • Everything is available from the concierge – the magic is personal contact.
  • We are going to guide you – but you make the final decision.
  • Helpful – you can see the level of focus to make sure there is satisfaction.
  • Get a wage increase by selling more, providing more service.
  • Staying socially engaged as we shop is important for both our emotional and physical health.
  • It is a connection, it is appreciated, it is saving time.
  • People care about services if you spend your hard-earned money and want to feel good.
  • It is the real-person connection that is so important.
  • We have designed services out of our world of shopping.
  • The ability to earn money from their involvement is increasing sales and satisfaction.
  • Every sale is different, challenging – efficiency in delivering.
  • Our goal is to leave the consumer feeling better than when they first made contact.
  • The service is special, couldn’t be offered 10 years ago due to pressure from big chains.
  • Differentiate ourselves by offering the service from a personal, attentive individual day in and day out.
  • Greater passion than an hourly worker.
  • “Walmart has so far invested a total of $15bn in online operations, which made a loss of over $1.6bn last year.” The Economist: May 2020.
  • The concierge will have the ability to contain expenses – or at least not let them spiral out of control.

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