10: Retail



  • In the changing world of retail, bricks and mortar is half dead and lurching along.
  • Amazon doesn’t just change retail it kills it and locals are left out of retail – winner take all.
  • Retail, before Amazon, was part of the economic lifeline of the communities.
  • New innovations for Small Shops are paramount in order to keep retail alive at the local level.
  • There are more than 1800 independent bookstores in the United States – their immediate concern is survival.
  • We need to give retail a new lease on life with less debt.
  • “The United States has 25 retailing square feet per capita that brings in almost $500 in sales per square foot per year”.  Bloomberg Business Week: May 2020.
  • “More than half of small based department stores could close by the end of 2021”.  Bloomberg Business Week: May 2020.  
  • Politicians warn of a retail exodus without retail innovation and action.
  • The Coronavirus is exerting heavy damage to the retail industry – excellent time to introduce new concepts to the industry for future shopping.
  • The recent government closures of retail shops won’t be temporary, it will be permanent because many sales move online to Amazon.
  • Retailers need to get closer to locals.
  • The biggest question in retail is how many can survive the pandemic.

What is the solution? 
Retailers need to admit that current strategies have failed and there is a need to take a 180-degree turn,
to give the shop back to Small Shop and become partners in order to take on Amazon. 
Bring retailing back to locals and make the money on the new retail in partnership.

  • Consolidating the retail sector and looking for growth at the local market level.
  • Forged partnerships to get a bigger share of retail.
  • A significant and difficult change is necessary to get locals back from Amazon.
  • Retail has long warned of an industry-wide reckoning.
  • Losing local retail produces a rising sense of disconnect in society and increasing disparities of income and wealth, capitalism in the local Small Shop will elevate the locals.
  • Every Small Shop will operate as a small, stand-alone retailer that replenishes its stock from the Small Shop warehouse concept.
  • Retailers need to move with the consumer and need to move quickly in the digital world.
  • Small Shop and large retail are facing an industry where Amazon and new start-ups are fighting to appeal to millennials and everything shoppers.
  • Retailers large and small can get and will be profitable to get on board.
  • Alternatives in the current challenging retail and deteriorating retail real estate environment.  Being a partner will give any Investor the right mix.
  • The biggest immediate concern for many retailers will be the financial impact of competing with Amazon.
  • My competitors have very deep pockets and powerful distribution systems – but they don’t have the innovation – if we compare retail to communications, for example Apple took over Blackberry.
  • We need to restore the balance of retail and seize the moment to make great shops reignite Main Street.
  • Everything is about reinventing retail and working together.
  • Shops need to respond to the worst economic downturn since World War Two, spend on innovation and partnership to save retail.
  • It is a unique time in retail offering Investors an alternative to Amazon to compete for the new customers.
  • These innovations will give locals an opening to insert themselves back into retail and food sectors.
  • Let me demonstrate to you and your associates a winning, long-term strategy to save the retail economy and bring benefits to everyone involved.
  • Retail has been reluctant to make domestic changes to take on Amazon, they need to shift away resources into the future shop.
  • The societal norms defining retail has been changing for years, resulting in greater value on digital.
  • Retail and manufacturers of all sizes should unite behind these innovations and partnerships and compete against Amazon and Walmart who have set off to take local sales from local shops.
  • Trouble in retail is ripping through the economy.
  • Retail has been forced into digital. This is where shoppers are taking retailers.  We need to challenge Amazon for digital market shares.  
  • 10% today and 30% tomorrow – retail need to move ahead to keep ahead of Amazon.
  • Revive the slowest retail sales by locals in a decade.
  • Every retailer has found that their mission is to take on Amazon, however, they have become ineffective – there is no magic formula.
  • As Amazon puts pressure on every sector of retail, that pressure is mounting – and that may be just what is needed to welcome a new retail platform.
  • Retailers and manufacturers are beginning to see that it needs to change.  Whether my innovations are taken seriously quickly enough is the big question going forward.
  • Amazon’s strength is limiting former star retailers’ room to manoeuvre.
  • My proposals would boost local sales by local retailers versus Amazon.
  • We need to push retail transformation through the digital Small Shop.
  • Both supermarkets and department stores are suffering from drop-in sales.  It is a huge task of restoring retail at the local level.
  • The stakes are high for all retailers large and small as Amazon increases their sales by up to 20% a year.
  • Need to be a retail-wide involvement to take on Amazon.
  • We need new innovation mixed with existing digital in a partnership of Investors, retailers and encourage service to the local consumers into better shopping.
  • Yes, these innovations will challenge convention, but the aim is format retail 100 years ahead, incorporate innovation and partnership and to use both personalized and precision digital shopping in the consumer’s daily shopping needs.
  • Aim to improve retail local competitiveness.
  • The focus now is more personal, more local, improving competitiveness at home, using digital platforms to bring fairness in retail.
  • Digital appeals to the local economy, making locals participate in retail and making locals more economically secure.
  • Retail needs to be engaged in a process of self-correction to profitability.
  • Retail business struggles to survive in the age of Amazon.
  • If today’s retailers continue business as usual it is a slowly declining model.
  • Retailers know now that the future is digital, just like the car’s future is electric.
  • Not joining the partnership of retail partners and investing in digital is likely to continue to leave retail behind.
  • As many large retailers have warned Investors, they are losing more customers to digital, this may be the assurance that the trend can be reversed by taking the cool factor out of Amazon and transferring it to local partners in a partnership.
  • We can start from scratch, but we can use the innovation, expertise on partnership already available to get us in a futuristic retail environment.  It is a challenge that is being taken by many sectors of the economy from car manufacturers, to every sports franchise, to regain new customers.  It is no different in retail, it is a new solution that needs to be implemented and cultivated.
  • A brand restructuring at the retail sector.  A new expanded digital shop which will include locals in a big way, this is the right structure to lead local retail into the future during this transformative time in the industry.
  • Cooperating, merging with major retailers and providing cost advantages in a digital and larger selection.
  • Every retailer is focused on online shopping.
  • Locals need to have a direct connection with digital.  Reshaping retail for everyone – there is an established way to do the shopping and it needs reshaping.  There is a need to adapt to digital.
  • In every corner of the globe, the retail industry is being compelled to address packaging and deliveries, their sustainability and to reduce carbon emissions.  Given that it makes sense to support local with a big reduction in your shopping carbon emissions.
  • The retail industry in Canada and around the world is in trouble, Amazon is the culprit.
  • Local retail needs to take a risk with their successful shop for tomorrow’s customers.
  • Retail around the world has been hammered by Amazon coolness – locals are taking a big hit.
  • We need to look to crackdown on Amazon.  We need a fairly high level of concierge involvement in consumer’s everyday lives.
  • The fruits of such engagement will strengthen the digital retail position locally, enough to gain market shares that prove financially rewarding for all.
  • Need to invest heavily in protecting the retail industry.
  • Cooperation in partnership with large and Small Shops, cooperation in manufacturing to lower packaging and damage to the environment, partnerships with innovation that want to benefit from the new trends in consumer retail that offer community benefits.  “How can the rest of the industry keep pace with supercharged businesses like Amazon and Alibaba?  The only hope is for them to make their supply chains smarter. The Economist: July 2019.
  • The barriers to adopting a new retail format will be nil.
  • Retailers need to start thinking about the next phase of the crisis.
  • Individuals cannot secure a new retail concept on their own.
  • Retailers large and small need to be united in finding solutions on the path forward.
  • We need a drastic overhaul of retail and need to prove it.
  • Produce retail value to the economy and become superstars – have a big impact.
  • This crisis is going to be unprecedented by its complexity and length to the retail industry.
  • “Oversupply in grocery stores and other retail environments is a major source of overall waste according to the United States Department of Agriculture”.  WSJ: April 2020.
  • My crafted vision for retail may have to be launched in a crisis.
  • Large retail could end up with stranded assets, large pension obligations, political pressure to maintain jobs.  Yet as partners, they can move into the future of shopping as a partner.
  • Wide-ranging response to retail problems like packaging, movement of goods from factory to consumer to the table.
  • The public refuses to hear me out, the politicians reply with their usual form letters and make me feel like a real outsider.
  • There has never been this much uncertainty in retail.
  • The retail sector of the economy is in shambles, a true return to normal seems a long way away.
  • “Falling off a cliff” retail is at the bottom.
  • An extremely difficult time for small retailers with limited liquidity.
  • Retail prospects are likely to get worse – the Coronavirus is going to make it difficult to bounce back.
  • Need to break from traditional retail and become partners with 50/50 margin.
  • It feels like Canada has lost its retail competitive spirit.
  • We need to show we can adapt quickly to changing retail.
  • Coronavirus offers gloomy outlooks for the retail industry.
  • Retail is in big trouble – what retailers must do now.
  • May take years to recover in the old retail concept.
  • The future of retail will not be just a matter of a purchase, it will be a well-crafted personal individual appreciation of your business in only ways seen long ago in the Mom and Pop Shops.
  • You need the willingness to invest in the unknown, civic duty needs to come first for people of means and leaders of retail, reward comes second.
  • Young people also think more is needed. We can offer retail stability and financial growth in ways that many think is impossible to do.
  • Let us market ourselves as a warrior against the brown box to help climate change and draw new buyers, they will see us as the cool retailer.
  • We can transform retail at the local level one customer at a time.
  • Flexible shopping allows the retailer to compete with Amazon and digitize the partnership to reach more customers and insure better buying power.  Preventing large retailers from falling prey to Amazon opens ways to re-integrate local shops.
  • There is an enormous danger in doing nothing, Amazon forcing all retailers to unfairly lower prices for the retailer.  The combined power of many shops results in more power for the individual local shop.
  • These innovations could help Canadian big retailers in an industry that is under pressure from consumers shifting shopping to online companies.
  • We will serve the young and make them participate in retail.   There is money in retail.  Bring it back home – take it away from outsiders.
  • The concept will come about through a partnership with large retailers, manufacturers, Investors and concierge partnerships offering premium personal digital sales.
  • Losing local retail has a broad implication for affected communities, many of which are struggling economically.
  • Retailers admit they are at a crossroads.
  • All retailers except Amazon don’t expect revenue growth or margin expansion in the near future.
  • No retailer expects to see significant sales growth as Amazon is expanding in every direction.
  • We need to change the game for local retailers, need to set a new bar to become a small retailer-partnership.
  • The coming decimation of the Canadian retail sector should be enough for a reply to solutions.
  • Many retailers large and small don’t have the time and money to do anything other than close.
  • Transformation of the retail world – lower packaging -local shops -personal service -digital partners.
  • The retail industry is difficult at the moment, more reason to find better ways to improve profit and reward Investors.
  • The future of local retail may ride on new innovation and partnership.
  • Being local is crucial when it comes to retail it is a comfort to workers.
  • Amazon’s chaotic and painful increases in local sales is a process of transformation in retail.
  • Amazon brings significant retail implications and instability that is a risk to the entire retail world.
  • Retail troubles take a deeper bite out of the local economy.
  • Local retail is at its lowest level, this affects all types of shops.  It is like the bottom fell out – which is putting a strain on the local economy.
  • Going forward the fundamentals of retail need to innovate to attract new customers.
  • Local politicians downplay the threat Amazon poses to local retail.
  • Large retailers have sharply deteriorated since the Coronavirus, closing shopping malls and creating lock-ins.
  • Retailers have to adjust to Amazon’s power by using their knowledge of the industry and innovation in new apparatus and partnership with locals to regain the momentum of retail of the future.
  • Retail has been hit hard by the pandemic and a sudden move to digital shopping.
  • A clear winner is emerging within the retail and it is Amazon.  Retail poses new challenges and requires new thinking to retake the shops.
  • Retailers adapting to a new reality need to transform the small and large shops to a new local shopping experience.  What we offer is transformation.
  • Retailers large and small are struggling with declining sales in America as consumers move away from mainstream shops such as Macy’s, Sears and Target in favour of digital Amazon.

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