13: Our Biggest Feature: To Un-Seat Amazon



  • We are going to be a model for a greener shopping experience.
  • We are going to re-engage with consumers.  We need to offer locals something they don’t already have, like the Personal Concierge – big help with climate change with warehouse design and packaging and last-mile deliveries, a better selection, and lower prices.
  • Using these new innovations is a master transformation to retail that should evoke significant goodwill from the Concierge to the local consumer.
  • The enthusiasm for reducing CO2 and helping climate change will be an easy choice to make and have local economic benefits and protect margins.  It will give locals increasing overall opportunities for the next generation of entrepreneurs.  These solutions are creative and able to compete with the largest companies in the world.
  • To succeed these innovations have to make an impact locally.  The hard work needed to make this a reality is still yet to come. 
  • Amazon is a large C02 emitter.
  • Amazon needs to disclose the amount of C02 it produces with each package.  This disclosure needs to be mandatory.
  • ShopSmallShop will be the best shop for climate change and offer low-carbon shopping.
  • Accelerate green shopping.
  • It can be called: The world’s Green Shopping Transition
  • I have figured out a new way to move single packaged products one pick’s easily, and lower C02 in warehouse configuration, packaging, and deliveries.  You could say it is a new mousetrap that creates a very disruptive cost structure for anyone to become an entrepreneur in retail, advertising, warehousing, and last-mile deliveries.  The aim is to return a profit to locals with a lower climate destructive cost.  We push clean shopping.  This SmallShop is capable of growing fast, it is time to ShopSmallShop.
  • Millions of deliveries have put a strain on the budget of cities, impacted road repair and C02 damage has a cost of $50 per ton of damage to local environments.
  • The more Amazon profits, the more concerned Main Street is.
  • Locals need to show that they embrace a greener shopping experience and cut their greenhouse gas emissions.
  •  We have the innovation to help manufacturers and consumers alike to help shrink their carbon footprints.  Shopping @ ShopSmallShop will help the individual improve the environment and show that social and governance or ESG are standing with communities.
  • Manufacturers will see an advantage because the more clean packaging they use, the more they can count the emission-reduction efforts towards their ESG rating.
  • These innovations will be a new world order that drives lower climate change.
  • Consumers will face pressure to dial-up a reduction in packaging and C02 from digital shopping.  This will drive consumers to embrace what ShopSmallShop innovation offers.
  • Package-free delivery is incentivized in part by a wave of state-level mandates and voluntary commitment by manufacturers, retailers, and the Concierge to stop using cardboard boxes.  Locals need to change their shopping habits away from Amazon.  Amazon dominates the digital market and is a growing concern for local growth.
  • There is an elevated level of anxiety on the part of the customer who feels they are not doing enough to lower their C02 impact.
  • Climate change needs to reshape American habits.  People have a desire to be responsible for climate change through their actions.
  • We will play a big role in reducing the C02 responsibilities of individual digital customers.
  • The government is facing greater pressure from individuals to make environmental issues a higher priority.  Consumers are aware of their need to take personal steps to combat climate change, one action at a time.
  • Stocks in ShopSmallShop will reflect its acceptance to reduce C02 by gaining value going forward.
  • We will make lower climate change action a centrepiece of ShopSmallShop by demonstrating our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions with every purchase.  We will achieve this through less packaging, less fossil fuel for last-mile deliveries, and taking back recycling from every consumer’s home. 
  • Our new business model means international shopping in the most climate-responsible and environmentally sustainable way possible.
  • This is a retail climate ready for the future and future-proof.  It is aimed at the growing threat of the climate crisis we are facing.
  • We call it Climate Change Adaptation Shopping.
  • Climate-resilient shopping will be available everywhere as a climate solution for every shopper.   We can make everyone happy.
  • I hope ShopSmallShop will soon be a real solution to reducing the millions of tons of C02 produced by digital shopping.  Reimagining how the local shop will be brought back has just begun.  We are in this very difficult position with Amazon, Walmart, and the dismantling of local commerce.  We must find a solution and formula to bring the shops back to Main Street.
  • Amazon uses more fossil fuels in its warehouse and in its last-mile deliveries which contributes more C02 to the environment.
  • Amazon has way higher emissions than local small shops.
  • ShopSmallShop is Environmentally Friendly Shopping.
  • We need a new law to require the sender to print on red labels stating the amount of C02 that packages produce.
  • We need to be concerned about the impact fossil fuel consumption is having as a result of last-mile deliveries.  Exposure to fossil fuel combustion from vehicle exhaust is having a direct effect on health and the climate.
  • These reduction productions are not temporary, they are long-term and last decades.
  • We need to take a tough line on Amazon, they must offset the negative impact their products are having.
  • ShopSmallShop will achieve emission reduction, reducing C02 emissions won’t be achieved otherwise.
  • Amazon is having a detrimental effect on health and the environment with its delivery system of one cardboard box per order.
  • Amazon needs to disclose the negative consequences its warehouse and delivery system is having on the environment.
  • Consumers will be encouraged to make purchases that produce the least amount of C02 as C02 emissions contribute to a host of health issues and counter global efforts to meet its emission reduction target. 
  • We need to educate the public about the known adverse effects of overpackaging and last-mile deliveries on climate change. 
  • Companies are justified in telling locals about healthier options.  Our alternative use of ShopSmallShop is more efficient in the consumption of fossil fuels and contributes no C02 as a result of its innovative packaging method.
  • We can help meet carbon reduction obligations.
  • We can be a carbon credit generating sector.
  • We will do a lot to ease concerns from environmentalists.
  • Invitation to investors to invest in emission-reducing activities that wouldn’t happen otherwise.
  • Our emission reduction is being rewarded with credit.
  • There can only be, and must only be, zero C02 tolerance for digital shopping.
  • C02 emissions from digital shopping suggest contempt for the effects of climate change.
  • The response from businesses needs to encourage shoppers to mobilize and cut C02 emissions.
  • A new expectation from consumers is zero C02 production.
  • The severe retail crisis is partially self-inflicted damage caused by short-sightedness.
  • ShopSmallShop is more human!
  • If your shopping mandate is to be environmentally friendly then as a consumer, drop Amazon for ShopSmallShop
  • Every pound of C02 saved is a pound of fresh air earned.
  • Every pound of C02 not produced is a pound of fresh air saved.
  • We need to re-start our responsibility to the climate.  We need to engage the consumer and Concierge in being responsible for the environment.
  • Climate change continues to be a huge problem as every package continues to add 4.88 pounds of C02 to the atmosphere.
  • There are a lot of ways in which your shopping can affect the ecosystem.
  • The climate change crunch shows little sign of easing unless every single one of us takes action.
  • A truly ambitious plan to cancel C02 from packaging.
  • At the root of the problem is an unwillingness to accept responsibility for climate change, small personal choices add up to big numbers on a global scale. 
  • Many customers choosing to shop @ ShopSmallShop will be influenced by the positive impact we have on climate change.
  • Politicians are afraid to erode economic growth and trigger public discord by taking true direction at once.
  • We need to let innovation show us how to reduce climate change one package at a time.
  • By 2030, 55,115,565,546 billion pounds of C02 will be emitted into the atmosphere as a result of package deliveries per year.
  • A phenomenon that is doing real harm to the individual consumer.
  • Pushing for action will have an impact on how individuals feel about their politicians.  
  • Shopping away from Amazon will be much better for the environment.  ShopSmallShop has the added advantage of being able to package and ship your order with less C02 used.
  • This is the future of digital shopping that we are talking about.  We need to offer the path forward when it comes to C02 and its impact on climate change.
  • It will engage with locals, it will considerably simplify the way we use packaging to reduce C02 emissions and change everything to make a positive impact on climate change – “I know it will be a real game-changer for communities.  I hope I will be around to see it in action!”
  • The focus needs to be on harm reduction towards climate change – reducing C02 emissions.
  • Canadians shouldn’t abandon their local retailers – they still offer a big benefit to the economy, such as stability and comfort of shopping experience.
  • Local shops need to be appreciated for the contribution they make to the character and appeal of Main Street.  Shopping locally reduces C02 emissions and offers big benefits for local communities.
  • The loss of local shops has punctured the economy.
  • The introduction of zero C02 digital shopping could make Amazon unravel fast.
  • The introduction of zero C02 shopping brings an exciting change to consumers as well as the manufacturer’s ability to cut C02 emissions.  We offer superior delivery performance versus Amazon.
  • Locals will recognize an opportunity to lower their C02 production.
  • Reducing emissions from packaging and last-minute delivery offers economic benefits. 
  • ShopSmallShop will be part of the solution for reducing C02 by millions of tons.
  • Consumers need to make a net-zero emission commitment when shopping.
  • ShopSmallShop climate blueprint calls for net-zero emissions from packaging.
  • Locals will accelerate climate action by choosing zero-C02 digital shopping.
  • We need a sophisticated discussion about the change Amazon is inflicting on our climate. 
  • No one denies that the problem of our packaging is real and we need to think seriously about how to eliminate packaging. 
  • We need to move away from Amazon, this requires serious consideration and is relevant for Canada and America.
  • A wake-up call to Amazon – Reduce C02 from packaging.
  • We need urgent and deep action.
  • Global efforts are needed to combat climate change.  Consumers will support companies that support producing the least amount of C02.  
  • We will shift people’s shopping habits.
  • My innovations will change retail shopping as we know it.
  • It is not going to be the end of retail as we know it, but it will be partners in a whole different vein.
  • We need to introduce and prioritize action with digital shopping as a win-win-win for ShopSmallShop.
  • We will push for carbon-neutral shopping with every purchase, thereby increasing progress.
  • A campaign is needed that says: “We show you how to cut your C02 consumption”.
  • We need to keep climate the top priority for consumers and small shops and see decongestion as a positive for building a new retail environment.
  • We will make it hard for consumers to ignore the over-packaging from Amazon.
  • Consumers will start to consider the emissions associated with digital shopping.
  • Consumers want to buy from a shop that removes or prevents emissions from being created.
  • Customers need help in knowing how to measure the impact of the shopping they do and once they understand the impact we will be in a position to offer alternatives to Amazon, thereby reducing C02 emission levels. 
  • Consumers can better reduce their emissions once they understand the impact of their purchases. 
  • We need to embrace the climate change conversation pertaining to retail and help combat the problem.
  • Your shopping is a chance to promote environmental activism as humanity is reaching an epiphany in the trajectory of climate change on this planet.
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